Thursday, July 30, 2015

Writing a post for the excuse to sit for a few extra minutes...

We have been furiously building.  Literally getting up and working until 9PM when it's too dark to see.  Today Dave's at work and it's raining out, so I'm getting caught up on emails and trying to get stuff planned for our trip.  My least favorite thing in trip planning is figuring out other countries' transportation system.  The websites are always so different and especially if there's a language difference it's just such a headache.  But I think I've got a good handle on stuff and shouldn't get too lost when we first get there.  Fingers crossed!  (PS, this picture is from about 3 days ago, we now have the sheathing on three sides all the way up.  And let me tell you, getting that last piece up 20 feet in the air was not a lot of fun!)

I'm glad it's our taper, because with this much working/building there's no way I could also be doing huge mileage.  We drove up to Syracuse last night for the Syracuse Chargers' summer series and gave a little clinic to some people and raced.  It was over 90 and humid, so probably a bit like Lyon will be.  It was hot for sure, but I think we've been spending so much time outside that we're decently acclimated, so it wasn't too bad.  We all raced the mile and then Dave did a 200 and the 3,000.  I did a 400 and an 800.  They all went decent.  Dave raced super strong in all three and I think he should do very well in France!  One of my athletes raced and I'm just so happy with how he's progressing!  He's such a hard worker and he's still at that new stage where every race is a PB!  What excites me the most about him is his desire to work and better himself.  He seems great at setting goals and then just completely going after them!

The garden is really coming along, but I'm spending almost no time out there.  Hopefully it won't be all overgrown and rotting when we get back.   The cows are in the fields happy and munching on grass.  The chickens are as stupid as ever, but make me chuckle.  And the cats are happy.  We decided two nights ago to sleep in our new building, so we got our air mattress and put it up on the second floor and slept under the sky.  Little Kitty (yes, that's her name) was so happy she spent the whole night with us.  She's quite good at climbing ladders.  

We have four partial days to get the roof up.  It'll be tough and it'll be tight, but I think we can manage.  Our neighbor called us last night offering to help us to get it up faster, and that's just so nice.  And two of my friends have offered their sons to come help too :)  So we'll get it done and probably even have time to pack.  I can't wait to go and see a new country, see old friends, and race my guts out!

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