Tuesday, January 26, 2016

St. George week three, in the books.

                                           (Believe it or not, this is a rosemary plant!!!!!)

First off, I finished Arline's second book and really enjoyed it!  She does a great job with character development and it's so easy to become wrapped up in their lives.  If you're looking for (another!) fun book to read I highly recommend you give it a try.  It's called Keeper: Trial by Fire by Arline Fisher.  I'll even give you the link to buy it:  Looks like it's free if you have Kindle unlimited!  Don't forget to leave a review after you've read it


A very nice surprise that I got on Thursday was my athlete's mom sending me this wonderful care package of gluten free snacks.  I will be saving them for special occasions!  Thanks Sharon!!!!

Well, this week wasn't what I was hoping compared to the last two weeks of training.  I think a combination of a few things did me in that I'm getting worked out and will be back on track toot-quick.  Monday I was (understandably) tired after my awesome weekend of racing/training.  I wasn't going very fast, but I didn't think much of it.  A voice in the back of my head said, "you should go see the chiropractor."  but I had an appointment scheduled for Wednesday and thought I'd be fine 'til then.  I went to the pool and had a good aqua class.

Tuesday was speed day.  Same workout as the last few Tuesdays, a 10K fartlek in the morning and 10x400 in the afternoon.  They weren't as good as last week, but better than the first week. 

My plan for Wednesday was to do my long walk instead of doing it on Thursday, because I had a radio interview Thursday at 10:00 AM.  So I headed out and just felt awful.  I was moving nowhere.  My hips were locked up, I felt heavy and clunky.  I cut it short at 10K in a blistering 68 minutes (ouch).  I was seeing the chiro and was hopeful that he could put me back together.  I went for my appointment, and yep, I was way out.  He spent a ton of time with me, trying to get stuff loosened up and put back. 

Thursday I got up at 5:00 AM to try again to get my long one in.  Luckily the neighborhood is well lit and the roads are nicely paved so I could see even though it was still dark.  I headed out and still couldn't move.  I think the adjustment didn't hold.  So I called the chiro again and he fit me in after the radio program.   The radio show was a blast, the hosts were great.  I talked about it in my last blog post, if you're curious feel free to read about it!  The chiro suggested I just take it easy and see if I could get stuff to calm down. I'm so lucky to have found someone so ready to help me.  He's said I can come in anytime, he'll fit me in between people if I need.  So it was an easy day.

Friday I finally felt better!  I did a solid 17K workout in the morning and 8K in the afternoon.  It felt good to move a little more like I usually do.

Saturday I started a new speed session:  4x3K/1K.  I did it on the track and didn't do the last 1K medium since I had 3K cool down to get home.  It went pretty well.  My last 3K was 15:00.6, so I was happy about that.  And my 1K mediums weren't as slow as I thought they'd be, ranging about 5:35 per K pace.  I definitely left that workout tired!  After I got home I did my weights, which I wasn't quite so focused and it took me longer than normal.  I was distracted watching the news, but I got it all done!

Sunday I had 40K on the schedule and while I was tired I was looking forward to it.  But starting out I just felt awful.  Tired, worn down, ploddy, no lightness to my steps.  I did the first 9K loop and used the restroom and after that my body just gave up.  I was doing 6:45 per K pace, and that's just not like me.  So I went to the car, called Dave and cried.  It was so frustrating to be here, away from Dave and home and my animals, specifically to train and train hard and not be able to.  I didn't want to feel like I was letting myself and him down. 

After my 5 minute pity-party I started to think about what I could do to make things better.  I think with all the training I've been doing I haven't been stretching enough, and with a few of the exercises I'm doing with the weights I have some new tightness that I'm not used to.  I went to the store and bought a yoga mat and got a few yoga DVDs, came home and started stretching like a madwoman.  While I'm not positive I think that could've been it.   Today's walk went okay, I felt much lighter and able to move.  Even more exciting I have a massage scheduled for today and moved this weeks' chiropractic appointment to after the massage.  Fingers crossed that the massage will work things out and with diligent yoga/stretching/rolling out I will stay loose and relaxed. 

Three more weeks in St. George!  Three more hard weeks of training, then a week to get ready for the trials.  Funny that even though I'm frustrated with how last week went when I look at my mileage I completed it's still as much/more than the majority of my weeks last week.  And I did have three decent speed sessions.  My focus this week will be on the long ones, finishing them as strong and smooth as I can.

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