Tuesday, July 12, 2016

More thank you's and more excitement coming up!

I know when I went to Rome I did a blog post and thanked people.  I don't think I can ever thank people enough, and since things are a little slow right now I thought I'd take a few minutes to thank the people and businesses that have helped me. 

Dave - I couldn't do it without him.  He is my biggest supporter, my biggest cheerleader, and supports me in everything.  He's there to kick me out the door if I need it, give me a hug when I'm upset, and doesn't complain when I go away to train.  I don't know how in the world I got so darned lucky!

Dr. Nagle - My Chiropractor/ART extraordinaire!  She always makes time for me.  She knows if I really need her it's because something is seriously out.  She's always looking to learn more and try new things.  She has saved me more times than I can count!

Steph Massage Therapy - The reason my body isn't tied in five million knots.  He knows right where the sore/tight spots are and exactly how to get rid of them.

Relax! Strength and Tone - When they heard my story they believed in me right away, getting me one of their amazing platforms to use.  I think it has been one of the main reasons for the improvement in my technique change which has resulted in no DQs!!!!  In fact, at the Olympic Trials I didn't get a single paddle!!!!!  Deb and Mike have been amazing, helping me with whatever they possibly can.  Take a look at their website and see if the Platform is something that can work for you!

AthleteBiz - They also have been so supportive, helping me set up my athlete store where people can buy stuff from Running Warehouse and help me reach my goals.  They've helped me develop promo literature to help me find sponsors (could always use some if anyone knows of someone ;)  Take a look at all the awesome stuff you can get for your training and support me at the same time.

Honey Stinger - I really don't know what I would've done without the Honey Stinger protein bars when I was traveling.  Something that my stomach loves and can handle, a good amount of protein, and great ingredients.  Their chews are awesome and great during a 50K and long training walks.  You can purchase Honey Stinger products from my AthleteBiz store too!!! 

Shore Athletic Club - Elliott Denman tried for years when I was younger to join Shore AC.  For whatever reason it wasn't until about 2009 that I joined.  Not only has Shore AC been amazing at supporting us, we also call Elliott our matchmaker, since I met Dave because he was my teammate.  So we have many reasons to be thankful to Shore AC!!

And now looking forward and announcing a bunch of exciting stuff.  Ready??????

First, I'm so excited to announce that I'm the recipient of the Women's Sports Foundation Travel and Training Grant!  Out of the hundreds of amazing women that applied they chose 33 to support and I'm one of them!  I can't tell you how excited and happy and thankful I am to the Women's Sports Foundation for their belief in me.  If you'd like to know more about what they do to help women in sports check out their website:

The Women's Sports Foundation has partnered with Gatorade this year for the Gatorade Fuel Program.  Yesterday was like Christmas!  I came home to boxes of Gatorade products!  It was so cool!  They've given me a sample of all their products that I can try.  Then for the other three quarters of the year Gatorade keeps me supplied with training nutrition!  They've got great stuff like drink mix, protein recovery shakes, bars, and energy chews.  I tried the chocolate chip  Whey Protein bar last night and really liked it!  So excited!

AthleteBiz has partnered with HTWO Hydrogen water.  I don't know all the science behind it but it's  extra hydrogen in the water and it helps boost metabolism, reduces lactic acid, reduces fatigue, and relieves inflammation.  I got to try some a while back and I really like it.  There's two reasons why I like it.  First, when I was drinking the recommended pack per day I was doing a ton of cross training, doing a bunch of movements I don't normally do.  Usually when I start doing that I get super sore for a while.  It never happened!  I could feel my "new" muscles tired, but I didn't have that usual cranky muscle feeling.  I was very pleasantly surprised!  Second, and this may be something more specific to me, but I struggle to drink enough.  Hydration has always been a challenge to me.  Knowing the extra benefit I would get from drinking it, and having a timeframe in which to drink helped me stay hydrated.  A fantastic side benefit!  If you'd like to see their website you can go here:
But if you want to try some please go to my AthleteBiz store to buy it.  I get a percentage from your purchase to help fund my training!

I'm really excited by some of the developments that are happening with opportunities coming up.  But if anyone knows of potential sponsors feel free to keep me in mind!  I have some big goals, some big plans, and could use all the help I can!  Training full time isn't easy or cheap, and traveling to races and training camps gets expensive. 

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