Tuesday, June 23, 2015

It's the small things...

A lot of times it's the small things.  Dave and I are starting our training for our Centurion walk on the Isle of Man in August by doing some longer/slower walks.   And since these walks don't have to be at such a specific pace as they do when we racewalk, we've decided that we'll really enjoy them.  Upstate New York is a beautiful place, full of hills, valleys, streams, old farms, flowers, and wildlife.  The hills make it difficult to racewalk a lot of routes, so I tend to know most of the roads that are decently flat by heart.  So the Centurion walk practice is the perfect time for us to explore other back roads (translation = hills).  Sunday as we were walking along I thought we were going through a section with a number of crickets.  Dave bends down and picks up this cute little guy!  We stopped and stood there a minute and watched him and it was wonderful.  I left that area with a big smile on my face. 

People have often asked how long I'll racewalk.  My answer always is "as long as I'm still having fun.  Once I'm not having fun I'll find something else to do."   Over the years in my racewalking career I've had short periods of time where it hasn't been fun, but I love what I do!  I love training, working hard, pushing my body.  I love the people I meet and the places I get to go.  I love coaching and helping athletes push themselves and reach their goals.  And one thing I love about my sport is there's always a new goal to set, new challenges to face.  Some people think I'm too old to still be trying to compete competitively.  Hope no one has told Yohann Diniz that anytime lately!  (For those who don't know, he keeps breaking world records and he was born the same year as me.)  There are so many races to do, so many records to break!  Every day should be a wonderful chance to get out there and do what you love! 

My goal for today during my workout (I have intervals on the track.  Good old intervals on the track.  Something I've done a bazillion times in my life) is to find something fun and exciting.  I'm not sure what it could be, but today I will find a way to make boring old intervals a workout I can look back on and say, hey, that was cool. 

What will you find today that gets you motivated and excited?

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