Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Hi everyone!  People have been telling me for a while that I should start a blog.  I have no idea how this will go, but what the heck!  My thought for this blog is to talk about anything and everything, as long as it relates to something.  Ideas for discussions are always welcome, and my hope is to get people thinking about training, competition, mental toughness, and whatever else applies to people's lives.  Everyone has ideas and experiences that can help others, so hopefully we can all help one another here.  

If anyone is wondering about the name of my blog "I'm Gonna Be,"  it's a song by the Proclaimers.  The chorus states "But I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more...."  I like to think of this as my theme song, since I really like to walk and I really like to walk long distances.  Also, if you just think of the title, I'm Gonna Be... there are so many ways you could end that sentence.  I'm Gonna Be Awesome.   I'm Gonna Be The Best That I Can Be.   I'm Gonna Be Considerate.  There are so many things that a person could be.  That and the song is super catchy and makes me want to dance every time I hear it.   If you haven't heard the song here's a link to YouTube. As an added bonus it's the cast and crew of Doctor Who, with special appearance by the Proclaimers themselves.

So I will try to post this and see how it works, if all goes well then I'll do another post that has some substance to it soon!

1 comment:

  1. I love that song too :). I guess we can both have it as a theme song...
