Tuesday, February 6, 2018

recap of the 50K national championships and moving forward

made it to the end!

Better late than never?  I've been meaning to get this written for a while, but life has been so busy lately!

Overall I was quite happy with how the race went.  I had zero paddles or card, so a very clean race!  And, best of all, no pain!  My hip didn't hurt at all!  I had a few moments where it was tired and cranky, but that's to be expected doing a 50K where the last time you've walked anything over 25K was August....

In hindsight I started off too fast.  I thought I could be anywhere between 4:45 and 5:30 and ended up just under 5 hours.  But my first 10K was 56:31.  It felt so good to be able to move again!  I hit 20K in 1:53:26 and then it sort of went downhill.  But then it went back uphill a bit.  During the race Tracy Sundland was interviewing Phillip Dunn and during the interview he spoke about how in a 50K you'll have a time where you sag down and then can come back up from it.  I was happy that I was able to come back up! 
Happy to be done with my athlete AJ, who finished third! 

The one thing the race gave me was definite hope!  I'm going to be able to come back and I'm going to be able to come back stronger than ever!

Chloe is quite famous in the Santee area. (And yes, I was able to get back up all by myself from this position!) 

Since the race training has been going pretty well.  I've had some amazing workouts.  I really try to train for consistency over single amazing workouts, but with the weather being, shall we say non cooperative, I've had to adapt as best I can.  For the most part it's been very successful.  But I will say, I now know the inside of the school hallways much, much better than I ever wanted to.  For example, Sunday I did 30K in the morning and 10K in the evening, so a total of 112 laps.  Thank goodness for Podcasts!  If anyone has some they enjoy I'm up for suggestions.  I've been listening to TED Radio and Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me.

Saturday I'm escaping this winter wonderland to head down to Monterrey, Mexico for a few weeks before racing another 50K February 25th.  I'm really happy to be going to get some solid training, but sad I'll be leaving.  It's been really nice being home, and I enjoy coaching the kids.  I'm missing the last two weeks of their season, but I know they'll be ready.  First I need to kick this dumb cold I caught.  I'm not sure how the human body can create so much mucus....

There's the short story!  If all goes to plan I'll have a nice seasons best to write about after Feb 25th!

Happy training!
ps, if you're so inclined, please click on the ads on my blog page.  I get paid for a certain number of clicks.  It would be much appreciated!

It may be cold, but it's beautiful

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