Friday, July 21, 2017

I'm racing in London..... in the 50K!!!!!!

I've been pretty quiet and under the radar.  Outdoor nationals went okay.  Not great like I was hoping, but not awful.  It was a solid performance and that was it.  But there was stuff going on in the background that made training and staying focused difficult.  And now I can talk a little bit about it.

Back at the beginning of the year when there was that huge scare that IAAF or IOC or whoever (or both) was going to cut the 50K, some people went into high gear to save the event.  One of them was Paul DeMeester.  Paul was on the national team for Belgium when he was young and then moved to the US, did a ton of cool stuff, got a law degree and now practices in California.  And he race walks and helps the sport.  He saw the threat to the 50K and jumped into action, going to London and meeting and talking to people and educating them and persuading and changing mindsets.

One of the things Paul realized is that the IOC is looking for gender equality (as they should) and that puts the 50K in a dangerous position.  He realized that unless we can get more women participating the event may be cut all together.

So Paul and I (mostly Paul, he's the smart one for sure) fought for there to be a separate woman's standard.  And today, I'm so excited to say, there is one!  IAAF is implementing a standard of 4:30 for the London World Championships!  I wish the time was a bit more relaxed to allow more women to compete, but it's another step.  One step at a time.  But it is progress!  Women will be on the starting line in a mixed event.  We will have our own medals.  We will be recognized in our own division.  It's very, very exciting.  And if it wasn't for Paul and his unwavering belief and commitment then there wouldn't be any women on the line.

I have been so fortunate that whenever there have been people there telling me no, telling me I can't do it, I have someone behind me who says, yes, yes you can, and has helped fight for it.   The hours and hours and hours Paul put in to accomplish this are just about beyond measure, and he did it out of the kindness of his heart and passion for the sport.

So now it's time to focus.  I'll be on the line, not as the only woman this time, but with others around me.  And that will be the most amazing feeling ever.

But let's start something now.  Let's look forward to Taicang next year and get a woman's 50K figured out now.  A time standard, selection procedures for federations, so that women can start to plan NOW instead of finding out they're racing a 50K three weeks before the event.  Guys, push your federations, for without women and equality you're likely to lose your event.  Women, consider giving it a try!  Train for it, do it, get excited for it!  And if you can't do either of those things then consider supporting women who are going for it.  It's only because of the prize money I've been able to save over the years that I was able to pay for fees and costs associated with all this.  We don't make a lot of money, so consider supporting an athlete to help with shoes, travel, training aid, something, anything!  It all helps.

If you'll be in London come cheer for the women, show your support.  Say hi.  I think I'm going to go do a workout :)

Happy training!

ps, if you do want to support me, consider going to my online stores where when you purchase something I get a portion.   And please "like" my FB page :)

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