Friday, April 15, 2016

I AM GOING TO ROME!!!!!! IN THE 50K!!!!!!!!

photo credit: Ken Stone
OH.....MY.....GOSH!!!!!!!!!!  I'm going to Rome in the 50K!!!!!  The US Race Walk Executive Committee voted to name me to the team, so I am going!!!!!  It's just about the most amazing thing I could've possibly ever hoped for or dreamed of. 

First I need to do a big list of people to thank.  People who without their belief in me I wouldn't have gotten where I am. 

Top of the list is hands down my husband Dave.  I can't imagine life without him; his support, his encouragement, and his unwavering belief in me.  Even when things go hard, when the negativity started, he is always there telling me not to listen to the naysayers, to believe in the cause and to keep fighting.  He's the one that holds me when I cry, comforts me when I am sad, massages my legs when they are exhausted, and always makes me popcorn when I ask.  I am the luckiest girl in the world to have him.

To my parents, not only for supporting my race walking, taking me to practice when I was a kid, traveling all over the US for races and believing in me, but for instilling in me hard work and determination, as well as knowing how to fight for what is right, even if it's not popular. 

To the Lawyers of Winston and Strawn, LLC.  In 2013 when they heard about the inequality facing female race walkers they absolutely jumped to help.  I was told that there were so many people in the firm that believed in the cause and were asking to be on the case they had to turn people away!  When that came to a successful conclusion I thought all was done.  But they contacted me about a year later saying they didn't feel the job was done and they thought more should be done.  they believed so strongly that women should be treated equally that they continued to fight!  I never could've done this without them and all their hard work.

To my friends who have been behind me, always supporting me and telling me to keep going.  Especially Nicole.  We met as musicians and now she knows waaay more about race walking than she probably ever thought she would.

To USATF and the IAAF who did eventually see that there was an inequality and that it could be rectified, and changed!  Many said that it would never happen, but it did!

To the US RW Executive Committee for naming me to the team. 

To Dr. Tina Nagle, who has not only kept my body in adjustment, but also been a sounding board when I've needed one, always being there for me, and always making time in her schedule for "emergency" visits.  I think the latest I've been there was 10:30 at night, and she always had a smile on her face and always believed in me.

To Steph Massage Therapy, for finding all those knots and tight bits and knowing just how get them to go away.  And for making me laugh while inflicting the necessary pain...

To Ian, Susan, Doug, Maryanne, and Arline, for letting me intrude on their homes to train in the winter months.  It always sucks to be away from Dave, but having such wonderful, caring and supportive people around you makes a world of difference. 

In a very obtuse sort of way thank you to all the people who said "don't bother, they'll never let women race a 50K" or "There's no way that will ever happen" or "just be happy doing 20K."  That's definitely one way to make me work harder, telling me I can't do something! 

Now through all this excitement I have to focus on the job at hand.  I will attack this race the same I do any race, I'll go out there and do my best.  It's going to be so overwhelming!  I was talking with my friend and she said "You will get to race with Yohan Diniz"  My response was "I get to be lapped by Yohan Diniz!"  I realize I'm not going to be in contention for anything.  People have already told me I'm going to be last (it was one of the reasons they said that the US shouldn't send me).  That doesn't even matter to me what place I come in, I'll be on the course!  I'll be racing with the best of the world!  I'll be doing what I love!  I'll be living out my dream!  And I'll be beating all the guys who drop out!  I will enjoy every minute of it!  And who knows, it's possible I could be a scoring member for the 50K team. 

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